Best Legal Education since 1955
Best Legal Education since 1955
Best Legal Education since 1955
Best Legal Education since 1955
Best Legal Education since 1955
Allround success is to be desired but parents wish to be defeated by their children and teachers from the students. The ultimate vsion of our college is “Shishyat lcheyet Parajayam” – `a teacher wishes to be defeated by his student’. To achieve this end, the Management and the Staff are making sincere efforts.
CO-01: To introduce the students to the basic principles governing contracts and lay a powerful foundation for their study of other transactional and related laws in higher semesters.
CO-02: The students should be able to articulate their independent views over contemporary crucial constitutional issues like Constitutional Supremacy, Rule of law, and Concept of Liberty, organization, Powers and Functions of the various Organs of the Government.
CO-03: To understand the principles of Tortious liability, the defences available in an action for torts. And to study specific torts against the individual and property. Keeping in the expensive character of judicial proceedings the students should reflect on the alternative forms, and also the remedies provided under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
CO-04: To gain knowledge of family laws and to endow the students with knowledge of both the codified and uncodified portions of Hindu law. It concerns with the sources, schools, institutions, succession, maintenance, menace of dowry, etc.
CO-05: To understand the crime and its components, methods of controlling them and the essential principles of criminal liability by a study of a range of offences.
CO-06: Law student should acquaint himself with the knowledge of special contracts apart from equipping himself with general principles of contract, and for legal services required in a corporate office so that he can enhance his relevance as a lawyer in society.
CO-07: To make the students understand the formation, management and other activities of the companies. The important developments that have taken place in the corporate sector and Important regulations pertaining to the issue of shares and the capital raising have come into force. This course aims to impart the students, the corporate management, control, possible abuses, the remedies and government regulation of corporate business and winding up of companies.
CO-08: To make student understand the concept of ‘Property’, the ‘nature of property rights’ and the general principles governing the transfer of property. A detailed study of the substantive law relating to sale, mortgage, lease, exchange, gift and actionable claims will also be undertaken.
CO-09: Students will be learning the about Nature Development of law relating to administration and effective means of administrative control further they will be The Focus is on their role in protecting the rights of individuals against abuse of administration and adjudicatory powers of the administration and liability of administrative authorities.
CO-10: Students will be studying codified and uncodified portions of Mohammedan Law and the sources, schools, institutions, succession, maintenance, menace of dowry, etc. In addition the students have to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Indian Succession Act.
CO-11: To inculcate the sense of responsibility and to respond the needs of environment protection as a part of their fundamental duty they will be learning the important principles like inter-generation equity, carrying capacity, sustainable development, and precautionary principle, polluter pay principles and the law in practice.
CO-12: The law relating to employment is a crucial aspect at present, to make the students realise and to learn fundamental of laws governing the employer and employees relationship and to regulate the same through various means.
CO-13: Procedural Law providing for a fair procedure is significant for a just society. To acquaint the student with organisation of the functionaries, their power and functions at various stages and the procedure according to which these powers and functions are to be exercised under the provisions of procedural law.
̥CO-14: Without deep understanding of the concept neither legal practice nor legal education can be a purposive activity. By learning the legal Jurisprudence students will be knowing important questions like, what is law, what are the purposes of law?, the relationship between law and justice and the like and to analyse the legal concepts.
CO-15: The course on professional ethics is designed to imbibe students with high ethical values forming the basis of the profession.
CO-16: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how international law today influences and interacts with domestic law in a diversity of substantive areas.
CO-17: The course of Human Rights is designed to prepare for responsible citizenship with awareness of the relationship between Human Rights, democracy and development and to foster respect for international obligations for peace and development; to impart education on national and international regime of Human Rights.
CO-18: The course is designed to convince the students how the right to information infuses transparency and accountability in governance, preventing abuse of power.
CO-19: The course of Banking Law is designed to primarily acquaint the students with operational parameters of banking law, and to teach the general principles of banking law and to develop appreciative faculties of the students in statutory as will as well as case – law in this area.
CO-20: The course of Insurance Law is designed to acquaint the students with the conceptual and operational parameters, of insurance law.
CO-21: This Course of ADR is designed to train students to realise the importance of ADR at National and International level its growth and advantages, and to train students about different techniques of ADR as each of these dispute resolution systems involves different style of planning and execution. The skills involved are also different as also preparation.
CO-22: This course of ̥.P.̥ is designed to Study the importance of procedural law. To acquaint the students with the various stages through which a civil case passes through, and the connected matters. The course also includes law of limitation.
CO-23: The course of IPR is designed with a view to create IPR consciousness; and familiarize the learners about the documentation and administrative procedures relating to IPR in India.
CO-24: The course of Penology and Victimology offers a specialist understanding of criminal policies including theories of punishment, their supposed philosophical and sociological justifications and the problem of exercise of discretion in sentencing.
CO-25: This course of Interpretation of Statutes is designed to understand the true meaning, intent of the maker of the statute. Further to make the student familiar with various rules of interpretation.
CO-26: This Course of Competition law is designed to introduce the students to the laws that are designed from time to time in keeping with the policy of the government to prevent unfair trade competition and protection of consumers. The laws are to be geared up to pass on the benefit of competition to consumers.
CO-27: This course is designed for training the students in drafting of pleadings and conveyances and other essential documents. The skill of drafting can be acquired and sharpened by undertaking the exercises under the supervision of an expert in the field.
CO-28: The law of Evidence has its own significance amongst Procedural Laws. The knowledge of law of Evidence is indispensable for a lawyer. The course is designed to acquaint the students with the rules of evidence in relation to relevancy of facts and proof.
CO-29: This course of Taxation is designed to equip students for taxation to make a detailed study of tax policy and to provide a comprehensive picture of taxation in India.
CO-30: The course of Intellectual Property Rights is designed with a view to create IPR consciousness; and familiarize the learners about the documentation and administrative procedures relating to IPR in India.
CO-31: This course of White Collar Crime is designed to focus on the relation between privilege, power and deviant behaviour. The traditional approaches which highlight white collar offences, socio-economic offences or crimes of powerful deal mainly deal with the deviance of the economically resourceful. The dimension of deviance associated with the bureaucracy, the new rich, religious leaders and organisations, professional classes are to be addressed.
CO-32: The course women and criminal law designed to Study, what are the legal provisions enacted to ameliorate these situations with special emphasis on Indian Municipal Law and what is the scope and shortcomings in the existing legal regime in this regard.
CO-33: This course of International Trade Law is designed to work out to provide the future lawyers basic inputs in the area of international trade law.
CO-34: This course of Moot Court exercise is designed to hone advocacy skills in the students. Moot Courts are simulation exercises geared up to endow students with facility in preparation of written submissions and planning, organising and marshalling arguments in the given time so as to convince the presiding officer.
**Students will possess knowledge and understanding of substantive and procedural law;
**Students will possess the ability to perform: a) legal analysis and reasoning b) legal research c) problem solving d) written communication in the legal context e) oral communication in the legal context
**Students will understand the exercise of proper professional and ethical responsibilities to clients and the legal system; and
**Students will demonstrate the professional skills of collaboration, counselling and negotiation needed for competent and ethical participation as a member of the legal profession. All students will also demonstrate a basic understanding of business fundamentals and be able to read and understand basic financial documents.
**Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the Indian legal system;
**Students will demonstrate an ability to use legal authority and perform legal analysis; and
**Student will demonstrate proficiency in Legal English, in both written and oral communications.
**Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Indian financial services law and regulation and of certain widely adopted international financial law standards;
**Students will demonstrate an understanding of the approach of US Indian practitioners to complex financial services issues, including structuring, negotiating, and documenting certain types of financial transactions;
**Students will develop the skills to communicate more effectively in English about banking and financial law topics;
**Students interested in qualifying to take a Indian bar exam will meet eligibility and application requirements.
**Students will demonstrate a foundational understanding of the Indian tax system and operational knowledge of Indian tax law and process;
**Students will demonstrate understanding of Indian substantive and procedural tax law that is relevant to their tax specialty;
**Students will demonstrate an understanding of Indian tax discourse, case analysis and legal reasoning in a tax context, and an overall awareness of how tax lawyers think;
**Students will demonstrate skills in tax research and draftsmanship.
**Students will demonstrate effective communication skills on sophisticated tax topics, both orally and in writing.
**Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of international business law from a Indian perspective;
**Students will demonstrate a cultural understanding of issues raised in international and Indian business law;
**Students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the practical considerations of international business law (i.e., “the law in practice”);
**Students will demonstrate familiarity with issue-spotting and problem-solving methods employed by trained lawyers; and
**Students will demonstrate the ability to market their professional skills.
**Students will demonstrate an understanding of the substantive and procedural law related to litigation and dispute resolution, including the rules of evidence, oral and written advocacy;
**Students will demonstrate the ability to properly apply the accepted standards of professional and ethical responsibility;
**Students will be capable of applying the skills of problem solving, collaboration, counselling and negotiation in the litigation context;
**Students will demonstrate the ability to compose a substantial written work on a litigation or dispute resolution topic; generally through a certification paper supervised by a professor who teaches within the concentration, with iterative feedback and improvement over multiple drafts;
**Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze and critique issues of professional and ethical responsibility; and competently practice the skills of problem solving, collaboration, counselling and negotiation in an experiential setting both in classroom simulations as well as in field placements (clinics and externships).
**Students will demonstrate an understanding of the several federal and state legal domains for regulating intangibles and encouraging or rewarding creative/inventive effort. One or more of these domains will be federal copyright, federal trademark, or federal patent law;
**Students will show competence in modes of statutory interpretation and an understanding of how to assess and deploy legislative history;
**Students will demonstrate an ability to perform legal analysis and reasoning, including the ability to formulate arguments based in legislative history, economics, normative ethics, or caselaw, and demonstrate an ability to engage in problem-solving and strategic planning for litigation;
**Students will draw across more than one IP subject-matter area to assess how best a client’s IP issues should be framed for purposes of litigation or transactions;
**Students will demonstrate an understanding of the challenges posed by differences between the many kinds of information products, both in comparing the intangible products and their different legal domains among themselves, and in comparing the information products on the one hand with, on the other, tangible products such as land or chattels;
**Students will show a basic understanding of what analogies from common-law physical property and torts might be illuminating in IP and the nature of the analogies’ various shortcomings;
**Students will perform written and oral communication in the legal context, whether in negotiation, client counseling or in litigation;
**Students will demonstrate an understanding of the many ways in which rapidly changing technology can affect, and be affected by, the law, in a way that can assist clients with their planning or legislators with their proposals.
**Students will demonstrate an understanding of substantive and procedural international law, both public and private;
**Students will demonstrate the ability to compose a substantial written work in international law, generally through a certification or substantial seminar paper in a topic of international, foreign, or comparative law supervised by a professor in these respective disciplines;
**Students will demonstrate the ability to apply international law in experiential settings, either through clinical work (for example, in the international human rights law, human trafficking, or asylum clinics), classroom simulations, externships abroad or with non-governmental organizations or Indian government agencies that deal with international law or foreign policy;
** Knowledge and understanding of substantive and procedural law Students will ultimately be assessed on their knowledge of the legal system and legal doctrine. Students will graduate with a broad knowledge of foundational and other core areas of the law, specialized knowledge in areas of interest, and experience with advanced study.
**Legal analysis and reasoning, legal research, problem-solving, professional skills, and written and oral communication in the legal context Students will ultimately be assessed on the development of legal analysis, legal communication, and legal research. Students will graduate with the ability to analyze complex problems, find and deploy a variety of legal authorities, and communicate effectively in a variety of settings.
**Exercise of proper professional and ethical responsibilities to clients and the legal system Students will ultimately be assessed on their ability to demonstrate a commitment to professionalism, ethical behaviour, service, and, as appropriate, leadership.
**The Knowledge and understanding of Indian Legal System and the administration of justice in India.
**The ability to find law, understand the law, Comprehend it, apply it to a particular fact situation, break it down into its component parts, recognize it and employ it creatively to serve clients interests, and evaluate the strength of its authority and its probable impact on clients.
**The skills to deal with ethical and moral issues in the legal profession.
**Learn the different role of lawyers and the ways in which lawyers can effect social change through innovative interpretation of legal principles.
**The ability to render legal advice in a professional manner to the clients.
**The ability to make use of information and materials from a variety of sources in research in the field of law to find solutions.
**The skills necessary to integrate the knowledge, frame suitable questions for examination of witness in the court, and develop suitable strategies to provide competent representation to the clients.
**Oratory skills necessary for a legal professional.
**Skills in legislative drafting.
**Leadership skills enabling the student to lead as well as to work in a group.
**The understanding of the professional ethics and the responsibility of a legal professional.
**The ability to bridge the gap between law and society and make the law socially relevant.
**Be familiar with the general approaches to the study of law and legal reasoning.
**Demonstrate the ability to identify and understand key concepts in substantive law, legal theory, and procedure
**Have the ability to write a competent legal analysis
**Demonstrate the ability to conduct legal research.
**Demonstrate communication skills, including oral advocacy
**Demonstrate familiarity with the rules of professional ethics.
**Demonstrate professionalism consistent with the legal profession's values and standards.
On the completion of this Program, the student will acquire The eligibility to join:
** The Bar to Practice of Law
**Judicial Services
**LL.M (In country/Abroad)
**Philosophy of Law
**Legal Process Outsourcing
**As Legal Advisor In Law Firm
**Non-Governmental Organization
**As Prosecutors
**As Law Clerk
**Government Services
**Legal officers in PSUs and Private Organizations
**Legal officer in Financial and Commercial entity.
Sl.No. | Committes | |
1 | Internal Committee for Administrative Planning And Execution. | Show |
2 | Internal Committee for Administrative Planning And Execution | Show |
3 | Internal Committee for Academic Planning And Execution | Show |
4 | Library Committee | Show |
5 | Students Grievance Redressal Cell | Show |
6 | Girls Students Grievances Redresssal Cell | Show |
7 | Sexual Harassment [Prevention] Cell | Show |
8 | IQAC Committee | Show |
9 | Committee for Cultural and Sports Activities | Show |
10 | Anti-Ragging Committee. | Show |
11 | SC/ ST Committee. | Show |
12 | Internals Assessment Committee | Show |
13 | Committee for Differently-abled persons | Show |
• To establish and strengthen the link between the past and the present.
• To maintain and expand professional ties with our alumni and amongst the alumni inter-se.
• To identify and encourage effective links between the fresh alumni and the old alumni
Smt. Dr. Roopa S. Ingalahalli, Principal
J.S.S. Sakri Law College
Shri Jagadish S. Shetter
Former Chief Minister of Karnataka
Shri Mohan Limbikai
Smt. Deepa M.Patil Asst. Professor J.S.S.Sakri Law College JOINT SECRETARY Shri Ashok Anvekar, Advocate Hubballi Shri Puttu Totad , Advocate HubballiTREASURER
Shri S.M. Limbikai Physical Director J.S.S.Sakri Law CollegeMEMBERS
Shri G.R. Andanimath, Advocate, Hubballi Shri S.M.Lakshmeswar, Advocate, Hubballi Shri S.M.Badaskar, Advocate, Hubballi Shri Gopal Patil, Advocate, Hubballi Kum. Savita Patil, Advocate, HubballiJ.S.S’s SAKRI LAW COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
Name: The name of the Association shall be J.S.S’s Sakri Law College Alumni Association. Address for correspondence from / to the Association shall be J.S.S’s SAKRI LAW COLLEGE, Heggeri, Hubli – 24. Office: Office shall be situated in the premises of the College i.e., All the communication to the Association shall be addressed to the above address.AIMS AND OBJECTS: -
The Names, address and occupation of the Persons who form the Executive Body of the J.S.S’s Sakri Law College Alumni Association -
General Body: -
There shall be an Executive Committee of the following office bearers.DUTIES OF GENERAL BODY OF THE ASSOCIATION:-
* The bye – laws or any clause therein may be amended as and when required by the Executive Committee.IQAC OBJECTIVES
IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for:
Some of the functions of the IQAC are:
Sports are a crucial part of a student’s growth and development. They help in the development of mental health and physical fitness of the body. Through participation in sports and games, a student gains various skills, experience and confidence that are helpful for developing their personality.
At JSS Sakri Law College, sports is an important part of the curriculum. The college is well equipped with multi-sporting facilities that include tennis, basketball, volleyball and other indoor games. The college not only aims to improve a student's physical abilities but also instill a sense of good sportsmanship in them.
Given below are the reasons why sports and games are essential in a student’s life:
Improves physical and mental health - One of the main benefits of sports and games is to boost the physical and mental health of a student. Sports is played between teams in a healthy competitive environment which ensures that the student remains active and fit. Outdoor sports like football, cricket, tennis, swimming, running, etc, keeps the body and mind active and engaged. Indoor games like chess, badminton, and table tennis enhance the concentration level of the student. It also strengthens the immunity system of the body and energizes them.
Empower students with life skills - While sports not only help in developing physical and mental health, it also develops the life skills of a student’s personality. It enhances their capabilities and helps them to have a better understanding of themselves. Sports also help in developing social skills and getting along with people. They learn to interact not only with students of their age but also with their seniors. Additionally, students acquire decision-making skills through various team activities.
Learn time management and discipline - Constructive use of time and discipline is a major characteristic of any sportsperson. If a student plays a sport, he/she needs to show the commitment of time to be in a particular place at a particular time everyday as a part of their routine. He/she must be patient, disciplined which will enable the student to cope with criticism and setbacks. Each sport has a set of rules and regulations to be followed which helps the students to stay fit and disciplined.
Improved leadership and team building qualities - Sports is all about teamwork, which gives an individual a sense of identity and belonging to a group. Such sports encourage students to showcase their talent and communicate with their team members. It also helps to identify and hone their leadership skills which add values to their personality.
Winning and losing is all part of the game - Sports is not always about winning. It is about fair play and believing in equality and justice. Losing is a part and parcel of any game and accepting defeat in a positive competitive spirit distinguishes a true sportsperson which propels him/her to strive harder the next time to achieve what he/she missed out on the previous game.
Boost self-confidence - Scoring a goal, hitting a six or winning a race not only makes a student happy but also it boosts their confidence. Performing in front of a crowd which is constantly noticing your each and every move can be quite unnerving. But a sportsperson is one with focus, patience, the right amount of confidence having a never-say-die attitude.
Gymnasium : College students have packed schedules. Classes, employment, and family or social obligations quickly fill up your calendar. It seems cruel to add another obligation to the list, but here’s one to consider: exercise. Scientific evidence is piling up that shows regular exercise provides important cognitive benefits that could make your scholarly efforts a little less taxing.
JSS Sakri Law College Provides the Gym Facility for all Students. “A Healthy mind resides in a Healthy Body “, complying with the saying, a professionally managed environment is created for the students. Both Physical and Mental Health play an important role for the well being of an Individual. In tune with the objective of all round development of the students, the campus is equipped with an in-house gymnasium.
It contains equipments like treadmills and strength machines for exercise and work out. In short, the gym provides an ideal atmosphere for the students to provide overall & sound development.
Following are the assured benefits of gymnasium to students
Exercise Stimulates Brain Cell Development
Exercise Improves Memory Retention
Exercise Increases Focus and Concentration
Exercise Boosts Mood and Exercise Relieves Stress
Sports are a crucial part of a student’s growth and development. They help in the development of mental health and physical fitness of the body. Through participation in sports and games, a student gains various skills, experience and confidence that are helpful for developing their personality.
At JSS Sakri Law College, sports is an important part of the curriculum. The college is well equipped with multi-sporting facilities that include tennis, basketball, volleyball and other indoor games. The college not only aims to improve a student's physical abilities but also instill a sense of good sportsmanship in them.
Sl.No | Indoor games | Outdoor games |
1 | Shuttle Badminton | Athletic |
2 | Chess | Running |
3 | Table Tennis | Kabaddi | 4 | Carrom | Throw Ball |
5 | - | Tenni coit |
6 | - | Volley Ball |
Sl. No. | Name of Participants | Events | Year | Place |
1 | Shri. Shiraj Ahmed D | Weight lifting | 2004-05 | Vishakapatnam |
2 | test name | test eveent | 2025 | hubli |
3 | test | test | 2022 |
Sl. No. | Name of Rank holders | Class | Rank | Year |
1 | Shri. P. T. Katave | III LLB | I | Oct. 1970 |
2 | Shri. Jayakumar Patil | III LLB | II Rank | May 1974 |
3 | Shri. Rajaram Hegade | I LLB | II Rank | Nov. 1980 |
4 | Miss. Jayashri Lalka | II LL.B | III Rank | Nov. 1980 |
5 | Shri. Srinivas Shetty | III LLB | III Rank | Nov. 1980 |
6 | Mis. N.S. Kammar | I LLB | III Rank | April 1982 |
7 | Shri. C. S Anjaneyau | II LL.B | II Rank | Nov. 1982 |
8 | Shri. Vigneshwar Shastri | III LLB | III Rank | Nov. 1982 |
9 | Shri. V. L. Pujar | III LLB | III Rank | April 1982 |
10 | Shri. Prakash Kamat | II LL.B | II Rank | April 1982 |
11 | Miss. Maya Prabhu | I LLB | II Rank | April 1984 |
12 | Miss. Maya Prabhu | II LL.B | I Rank | April 1985 |
13 | Shri. R.M. Badamikar | II LL.B | III Rank | April 1986 |
14 | Shri. Ravindra Hegade | III LLB | I Rank | April 1993 |
15 | test | 1st ran | 2022 | |
16 | Shri S.A. Patel | III LL.B. | 2nd Rank | May 1974 |
17 | ach 1 | acg class | 1 st ach | 2025 |
18 | test | test | 2022 | |
19 | ach77 | 444 | 111 | 2022 |
01: State Level Inter Collegiate Debate Competition conducted by BLDEAS Law College, Jamakhandi - Sri M.H. Angadi and Sri S.N Badiger - awarded II Place
02: K.S.L.U., Hubballi and District Legal Service Authority conducted a District Level Debate Competition - Sri S.N. Badiger awarded I Place
03: K.S.L.U., Hubballi conducted Quiz Competition - Mr. Manjunath K. Hugar - I Place
04: K.S.L.U., Hubballi - S.C. Nandimath Law College, Bagalkot conducted VI Inter Collegiate Zonal Level Youth Festival conducted - Folk Orchestra - II Place and Skit - II Place
05: Quiz Competition conducted at Bangalore - awarded I Place : Mr. Manjunath K. Hugar.
The library at JSS Sakri Law College is designed to assist students who find it important to determine the state of the law. A library at any law college is its lifeline, and J.S.S Sakri Law College has managed to create a library comparable to the best anywhere else. A well-stocked and updated library is a pre-requisite and a significant part for providing knowledge at all levels of legal education. J.S.S Sakri Law college library has a large collection of books related to law. The main hallmark of J.S.S Sakri Law College library is the collection of various national as well as international authors, All India Reporter, Supreme Court Cases, Encyclopedia Britannica, Halsberry's Law of England and India, various Law journals, online e-journals, e-books, reports, competition manuals and legal magazines. At any given time of the day, the library is found to be filled with students either preparing for their lectures or teams of students preparing for various competitions. With its modern and updated collection of knowledge resources and advanced information services, the library fills a significant role for the academicians in their intellectual pursuits.
The programme aims to inculcate social welfare in students, and to provide service to society without bias. NSS volunteers work to ensure that everyone who is needy gets help to enhance their standard of living and lead a life of dignity. In doing so, volunteers learn from people in villages how to lead a good life despite a scarcity of resources. it also provides help in natural and man-made disasters by providing food, clothing and first aid to the disaster victims.
The main objective of the scheme is "Development of the personality of students through community service". This objective is achieved by enabling the students to :
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | Reopening of the College & Commencement of Odd semester | 2 nd Week | Principal & Law College Staff |
2 | Celebration of Constitution Day | 4th Week | Dr.Veena M. Tonapi |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | Aids Awareness | 1st Week | Doctor & Counsellor |
2 | International Human Rights Day | 2nd week | Principal & Law College Staff |
3 | National Consumer Day | 3rd Week | 1) Sri. Ravindra R.E |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | Orientation Program & Student Meet | 1st Week | Sri.G.R Andanimath & Sri Hegade Advocate Hubli |
2 | Inaugural of the College Union & Gymkhana,NSS & Red Cross Activities | 1st Week | Sri.G.R Andanimath & Sri Hegade Advocate Hubli |
3 | Workshop on Career Guidance | 3rd Week | Alumni Member |
4 | Special lecture on Contract Law | 4th Week | K.B Navalgimath Senior Advocate Dharwad |
5 | Gender Awareness Program | 2nd Week | Stree Sakti Organisation |
6 | Special lecture on Family Law | 3rd Week | Sri. R.S Heggade Advocate Dharwad |
7 | Staff & Student Seminar | 3rd Week | Industrial Relation (Code) Officer |
8 | Special lecture on Making of Constitution Law | 4th Week | Prof.Gayatri Vasant Kumar Assistant Professor |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | Special lecture on Section 299 & 300 IPC | 1st Week | Sri. Radhakrishnan Advocate Dharwad |
2 | Case Law Exhibiton | 2nd Week | Principal & Law College Staff |
3 | International Mother Language Day | 3rd Week | In Association with Kannada Sahitya Parishad |
4 | Staff & Student Seminar | 3rd Week | Principal & Law College Staff |
5 | Internal Tests | 4th Week | Principal & Law College Staff |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | Special lecture on Criminal Procedure Code | 2nd week | K.B Navalgimath Senior Advocate Dharwad |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | Special lecture on Labour Law | 2nd week | Sri.Sangolli |
2 | Yoga & Stress Management Program | 3rd Week | Sri Niveditha Srinath Yoga & Image Makeover Consultant |
3 | Earth Day Celebration | 3rd Week | Principal & Law College Staff |
4 | World Environment Day | 1st week | Dr. Lakkangoudar (Principal SDM Commerce College Hubballi) |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | Internatinal Labour Day | 1st Week | Principal & Law College Staff |
2 | World Press Freedom Day | 1st Week | Principal & Law College Staff |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | World Environment Day | 1st Week | Principal & Law College Staff |
2 | Staff & Student Seminar | 2nd week | Principal & Law College Staff |
3 | Case Law Exhibiton | 3rd Week | Principal & Law College Staff |
4 | Special lecture on Property Registration | 2nd week | Sub- Regitrar of District, Principal & Law College Staff |
5 | Yoga & Fitness Day | 3rd week | Dhanyosmi Yoga Center ,Sri Niveditha Srinath Yoga & Image Makeover Consultant |
6 | Experiential Learning | 4th Week | Intra Collegiate Competition |
7 | Add on Program on Communicative Skills | 2nd Week | Smt. Niveditha Srinath |
8 | Yoga and Fitness Day | 4th week | trainer of Dhanyosmi Yoga Kendra |
9 | Two Days Work Shop on Forensic Science | 4th week | Prof. Riyaz Managoli (Dean and Director of Forensic Science Ranichannamma University) |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | Career Counseling to Student | 1st Week | Alumni Members , Principal & Law College Staff |
2 | Seminar on International Law | 1th week | Prof. T.R.Subramanya Prof. of Law |
3 | Industrial Visit | 2nd Week | Industrial estate of Hubballi |
4 | Judicial Examination Training Program | 4th week | Alumni member |
Sl. No. | Events | Week | Guests / Resource Person |
1 | test | 1st Week | Guests test |
Moot court is one of the key curricular activities in law Colleges, in which participants take part in simulated court proceedings, usually involving drafting memorials and participating in oral argument. Moot court does not involve actual testimony by witnesses, cross-examination, or the presentation of evidence, but is focused solely on the application of the law to a common set of evidentiary assumptions, facts, and clarifications/corrections an even skills of arguments to which the competitors are introduced. Legal employers, particularly large law firms, prefer students who have participated in moot court. Because they have already spent many hours perfecting the analytical, research and writing skills that practicing attorneys must have. J.S.S Sakri Law College has moot court facility to students who are willing to participate in Moot Court competitions. College encourages every student to participate in State, National and International level Moot Court competitions. In support of this, College has established well furnished Moot Court room where in students can have the experience of Court proceeding and prepare for their competitions.